Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

We at Timeout Retreats LLC want you to thoroughly enjoy and be safe on any retreat you reserve with us. Please read the agreement below before using any of the services on timeoutretreats.com to make yourself familiar with our Terms and Conditions.

TimeoutRetreats.com is owned by Timeout Retreats LLC. By using TimeoutRetreats.com you agree to the terms below that limit the liability of Timeout Retreats LLC and any of its suppliers, including, but not limited to airlines, rental homes, rental home websites, car rental companies, excursion companies and any other suppliers that provide services through the timeoutretreats.com website. In addition to using the timeoutretreats.com website the terms and conditions of this agreement also apply to communications in any form with Timeout Retreats LLC, engagement of services through and with Timeout Retreats LLC, and participation in any activities arranged by Timeout Retreats LLC. These terms and conditions will be interpreted and enforced pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida.

CONTACT INFORMATION: We encourage you to communicate with us by email, using timeoutretreat1@gmail.com.

ABILITY TO PARTICIPATE: By reserving a retreat with us you are assuring us, and we are relying on that assurance, that you are in good physical and mental health and that your health will permit you to interact appropriately with us and all others present on the retreat. Further, you warrant that your health status is sufficient to participate in the Activities we schedule for your retreat without endangering your health or the health of any other persons present during the activities. Should your health not be sufficient to participate in any of the Activities, you must inform us at the time of booking, and we will not schedule you for those Activities. Activities scheduled by Timeout Retreats LLC are optional. We want you to enjoy your retreat and it may be helpful to understand that it is common for some individual participants to opt out of a scheduled Activity. Be aware that opting out of an activity does not entitle you to any reduction in the cost of your retreat.

INFORMED CONSENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: Your participation in Activities will lead to varying levels of physical exertion and may at times be mentally or emotionally taxing. By reserving with Timeout Retreats LLC, you are giving informed consent as to your participation in any Activities you elect to engage in for the duration of your retreat with Timeout Retreats LLC. You assume the risk of any harm, including, but not limited to, physical and mental injury, which may result from the Activities. If you are not familiar with an Activity and the associated risks of the Activity, you should seek out information from us or any third-party provider of an Activity that enables you to understand the risks of the Activity before participating in the Activity. By participating in Activities and other events with Timeout Retreats LLC you acknowledge and agree that you understand the risks, you accept the risks, and you waive any right that may exist to seek damages from others, including Timeout Retreats LLC.

LIABILITY WAIVERS: You acknowledge that some third-party providers offering certain services and/or activities may require you to sign their liability waiver prior to participating in the service and/or activity they offer. Should you refuse to sign a third-party provider’s liability waiver, that provider will likely not allow you to participate in the activity. A refusal to sign a third-party provider’s liability waiver after reserving an activity with a third-party provider will result in a forfeiture of the fee for the third-party provider’s services.

SPECIFIC REQUESTS OR NEEDS: We are happy to address any questions regarding specific needs or requests prior to booking. While Timeout Retreats LLC will strive to accommodate reasonable requests, we cannot guarantee that specific requests or needs will be accommodated.

TRIP INSURANCE: We recommend that you consider trip insurance to insure against unforeseen or unexpected issues such as, but not limited to, medical needs, trip cancellation, lost luggage, injuries, etc. In considering trip insurance be aware that many insurers have multiple exclusions to the coverage they provide. You should make yourself aware of these exclusions to coverage before purchasing any trip insurance policy.

THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS: Your purchase of travel-related goods and services will result in additional terms and conditions associated with these third-party suppliers. If you fail to abide by the terms and conditions of a third party supplier, either the third-party supplier or Timeout Retreats LLC may be forced to cancel all/or a portion of, your retreat package. Should your failure to comply with the terms and conditions of a third-party supplier result in additional costs to Timeout Retreats LLC, you understand and agree that those costs will be debited from your account.

CANCELLATIONS: Timeout Retreats LLC does not grant refunds for cancellations. Should you need to cancel a reservation, we will allow you to use the funds from the cancelled reservation towards another retreat booked withing one year of the cancelled reservation. No refund or credit will be offered for late arrivals or early departures.

RESERVATION INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BE TIMELY: Your signed agreement and intake form must be submitted on the day of booking your retreat with Timeout Retreats LLC. A reservation is not complete until we receive the signed agreement, intake form and deposit.

TRAVEL: Your travel documents and compliance with domestic and/or foreign travel requirements are your responsibility, not the responsibility of Timeout Retreats LLC. Well in advance of travel you will need to be sure that any required travel documents such as passports, visas, etc., are in order and up to date. By booking a retreat you agree that travel both within and outside the United States carries some risk, not limited to flight delays, flight

cancellations, customs issues, and others, which are outside the control of Timeout Retreats LLC. You agree that you will not hold Timeout Retreats LLC liable if your lack of the appropriate documents, such as passport, visa, etc., causes an airline or Country to deny you entry.

Certain inoculations may be recommended for travel, depending upon the destination. It is up to you to remain informed on health requirements for travel and this should be done by consulting with your doctor. You can find helpful information on required inoculations and other travel health issue through The World Health Organization’s website: http://www.who.int/ith/en/

INDEPENDENT SERVICE PROVIDERS: Service providers in the travel related industries are parties independent of Timeout Retreats LLC. While we review the available information on these travel service providers and make a genuine effort to select reputable and reliable providers, we do not exercise any control over their service and therefore cannot be responsible for or guarantee these services. We do not represent that any travel products, packages, or services set out on our Website will be suitable for you. You release us from any claims in relation to the travel products, packages, and services described on our Website, including but not limited to claims that the travel products, packages, and services are not suitable.

ADDITIONAL COSTS AND FEES: There may be taxes, government fees, and other charges associated with third parties, which will be your responsibility. This section does not apply to the costs of Activities/Excursions, which are included in the cost of your retreat.

CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES: If your trip involves travel outside the United States, you may encounter different currencies and/or currency exchanges. Currency exchange issues are your responsibility. CREDIT CARD FEES. International transactions using a credit card can result in a conversion fee imposed by your bank or credit card company. We have no control over how or when your bank or credit card company determines a transaction is international, or the fees that your bank or credit card company imposes for such transactions. Any questions or concerns about international transaction fees should be addressed to your bank or credit card provider.

WEBSITE USE: www.Timeout Retreats.com is owned by Timeout Retreats LLC. Timeout Retreats LLC grants you access to review retreat options, reserve, and purchase retreat packages, purchase any other products or services offered by the website and communicate with Timeout Retreats LLC. Your use of the Website does not grant you license to use or profit from any of the content on the Website. You agree that that any information you provide to

this Website is true and accurate. Further, you agree not to:

(a) take any actions that cause damage to, or overload the website, the hardware or software associated with the Website, or the computer hardware of other users;

(b) submit, post upload, deliver or transmit unlawful content or objectionable material that is obscene, pornographic, violent, abusive, threatening, defamatory, or false, or that creates ill will towards Timeout Retreats LLC and its users.

(c) submit content that is not yours or that violates the intellectual property rights of others;

(d) attempt to gain unauthorized access through hacking or any other means, to this Website, any content of this Website, or any related websites, computers or networks;

(e) access, monitor, copy, or reproduce any Content of this Website using a robot or other automated means or manual process for any purpose;

(f) use this Website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, impair or otherwise interfere with the use of this Website or other users’ computer equipment, or cause damage, disruption or limit the functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.

ABUSE OF WEBSITE USE PRIVILEGE: Should your use of timeoutretreats.com involve fraudulent or false information, Timeout Retreats LLC maintains the right to limit or terminate your access to the Website and our services.

WEBSITE LINKS: This Website contains hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. It is your responsibility to be cautious when interacting with any of these linked websites. Timeout Retreats LLC cannot be held responsible

to continuously monitor these outside websites for hazards such as viruses, malware, privacy issues or other problems that may be detrimental or damaging to your computer, software, or that might expose your personal

information to bad actors. It is up to you to take appropriate precautions in any interactions you may have with these outside websites.

COLLECTION OF DATA: During your use of our Website we may collect data to improve our Website, help us provide pertinent information, select advertisers, and keep track of your preferences. We use cookies to help with this Website improvement. You may elect to limit our use of cookies by referring to our Privacy Policy.

DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYAND LIMITATIONS; INDEMNIFICATION PROVISIONS: While Timeout Retreats LLC endeavors to ensure that this Website, its servers, or any email sent from Timeout Retreats LLC are free of viruses, malware or any other malicious content, Timeout Retreats LLC makes no warranties as to the software, products and services, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular response, title and non-infringement. The airlines, accommodation providers, other suppliers, and travel service providers are independent entities from Timeout Retreats LLC. Timeout Retreats LLC is not liable for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches, or negligence of any such suppliers or for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses resulting therefrom. Timeout Retreats LLC has no liability for travel related delays, cancellations, overbooking, force majeure, or other causes beyond its direct control, and will assume no responsibility for any additional expenses, omissions, delays, re-routing or acts of any government or authority. To the extent permitted by law, Timeout Retreats LLC and/or its respective suppliers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, your access to, or use of, this Website or with the delay or inability to access, display or use this Website whether based on a theory of negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, consumer protection statutes, or otherwise. Timeout Retreats LLC cannot, and does not, guarantee the accuracy of, the description of the accommodations, transportation and other services displayed on this Website. Should there be a price error on our website, Timeout Retreats LLC reserves the right to correct the price error on our Website. In the event you have made a reservation under an incorrect price, Timeout Retreats LLC will grant you the choice of cancelling your reservation with a full refund or keeping your reservation by agreeing to pay the correct price. The inclusion or offering of any products or services on this Website does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation of such products or services by Timeout Retreats LLC. All service providers, accommodation providers, airline carriers, etc. providing travel and other services to you, regardless of our involvement, are independent entities. We are not liable for the actions, omissions, errors, representations, warranties, negligence, breach of contract, personal injuries, death, property damage, or any other damages or expenses caused by service providers. We have no liability and will not refund due to delay, cancellation, overbooking, strike, force majeure, terrorism, and any other causes that are beyond our direct control. We have no control and are not responsible for any additional expenses, delays, omissions, re-routing, or acts of interference by the government or legal authorities. You agree that under no circumstances will we be liable for consequential damages, loss of opportunity damages, or any other type of special damages. If, despite the limitations above, Timeout Retreats LLC or its respective suppliers are determined to be liable for any of your losses or damages, the liability of Timeout Retreats and/or its respective suppliers will be limited to the fees you paid to Timeout Retreats in connection with your retreat.

INDEMNIFICATION: You agree to defend and indemnify Timeout Retreats LLC and/or and any of their officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting fees, brought by third parties as a result of any action by you that creates a third party cause of action against Timeout Retreats LLC and/or its officers, directors, employees and agents.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Timeout Retreats LLC’s website, timeoutretreats.com, contains content including logos, designs, photos, pictures, graphics text, data, software, sound files, video files and other materials that are the proprietary property of Timeout Retreats or its licensors and are protected by U.S. and international intellectual property laws.

LIMITED LICENSE: Timeout Retreats LLC grants you the right to access and use the Services and Content. This right to use the website and the services therein does not grant you sublicense to use any of the content or services and is limited by the restrictions described in WEBSITE USE above. We reserve the right in appropriate circumstances to terminate the accounts of users who we deem to be repeat infringers on the intellectual property rights of Timeout Retreats LLC.

UNINTENDED INFRINGING MATERIAL: Timeout Retreats LLC has no intention to infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. Should you believe that content on timeoutretreats.com infringes on your copyrighted work please send us written notice as contemplated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The notice should clearly identify the material you claim infringes on your copyrighted material. Such notice can be sent to Timeout Retreats LLC, 801 E. Lumsden Road, Brandon, FL 33511.

SEVERABILITY: If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions. You and we acknowledge the authority of a court of law or other entity with jurisdiction to modify these Terms to effectuate the overall intent of these Terms.

DELAYED ENFORCEMENT: Our failure or delay in enforcing any provision of these Terms and Conditions at any time does not waive our right to enforce the same or any other provision(s) hereof in the future.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Timeout Retreats LLC with respect to the Services and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between you and Timeout Retreats LLC with respect to the matters covered or referenced herein. Regardless of the above language, however, any explicit and specific other agreements between you and Timeout Retreats LLC which are formally acknowledged by you and Timeout Retreats LLC will not be disregarded.

DISPUTES: Both you and Timeout Retreats LLC acknowledge that the laws of the State of Florida shall apply to any disputes regarding or relating to any claims or disputes between you and Timeout Retreats LLC. We will make good faith attempts to informally resolve any disputes between you and Timeout Retreats LLC or related to these Terms and Conditions. If we are unable resolve a dispute within 60 days of the dispute arising, then any such dispute must be resolved by way of mandatory, binding arbitration instead of via litigation in the formal court system. Should there be a claim or other legal dispute between us, each side shall bear his or her own attorneys’ fees. The costs and fees owed to the arbitration company/arbitrator shall be evenly split between the parties. Arbitrations will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) under its rules, including the AAA Consumer Rules, unless otherwise stipulated by you and by Timeout Retreats LLC. The AAA’s rules are available at www.adr.org or by calling 1-800-778-7879. Any such arbitration shall take place in Hillsborough County, Florida and the courts located in Hillsborough County, Florida shall have exclusive jurisdiction to the extent that the dispute ends up in the formal legal system. Before initiating an arbitration proceeding, you must send a certified letter describing your claims and your intent to initiate arbitration to Timeout Retreats LLC at 801 E. Lumsden Road, Brandon, FL 33511. A party requesting arbitration must also provide a copy of the request to the AAA online at www.adr.org. The Federal Arbitration Act and Federal arbitration law apply to this agreement. An arbitration decision may be confirmed by any court with competent jurisdiction.


COLLECTION OF DATA: While using Timeout Retreats LLC’s website, or communicating with Timeout Retreats LLC in any form you will be providing us with personal information, such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, etc. We will collect and store this information.

THIRD PARTY INQUIRIES: We may make inquiries about you from business partners and independent third-party sources and include this information in your account.

USE OF YOUR INFORMATION: If you engage in communication with third parties on our website we may share information in your account with these third parties. When you elect to participate in Activities arranged by Timeout Retreats LLC you permit Timeout Retreats LLC to send your personal information to the third-partyservice provider. The third party may then use your personal information in accordance with their privacy practices as if you had provided the information to them directly.

COOKIES AND OTHER TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES: Cookies and other tracking technologies are bits of computer code that can be stored on a user’s computer hard drive or device, which enable our website to remember information about the user’s visit to the website. Our website uses cookies to store your preferences, administer the site, track users’ movements around the site, and gather demographic information about our users collectively. The use of cookies and other tracking technologies allow us to develop an understanding of you as a user. Thie Personal Data we obtain about you is minimal. We use our cookies to improve your experience while on our website. One example is storing your address so it can prepopulate when making a purchase. Some of the third-party providers and advertisers may place cookies on our website to provide their services. Examples of this activity are below.

Focused Ads: Third-party advertisers may place ads on our site. Thes companies place and access their own cookies on your computer while serving advertisements on this site. In an effort to provide advertisements about items of interest to you, these advertisers may use information obtained through their cookies about your interactions with our website and other websites, in combination with non-personally identifiable information about your purchases and interests from other online sites. Other companies’ use of their cookies is subject to their own privacy policies, not our privacy policy. The information collected does not include your name, address, email address or telephone number.

Data Providers: We also allow data providers to collect web log data from you when you visit our website, including things like your IP address and information about your browser . These data providers may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser to enable you to receive customized ads or content. These cookies contain no personally identifiable information. The cookies may reflect demographic or other data, with identifying elements removed, linked to data you voluntarily have submitted to us, e.g., your email address, that we may disclose with data providers solely in hashed, non-human readable form.

Use Analysis: We use third-party analytics cookies to gain insight into how our visitors use our website to optimize and improve our website. The data we gather includes which web pages you have viewed, which referring/exit pages you have entered and arrived from, which platform type you have used, date and time stamp information, and details such as the number of clicks you make on a given page, your mouse movements and scrolling activity, the search words you use and the text you type while using our site. We also make use of analytics cookies as part of our online advertising campaigns to learn how users interact with our site after they have been shown an online advertisement, which may include advertisements on third-party websites.

Flash Cookies: Our partners, who provide certain features on our site or display advertising based on your browsing activity, also use Local Shared Objects such as Flash cookies, and Local Storage such as HTML5, to collect and store content information and preferences. Various browsers may offer their own management tools for removing HTML5 local storage. To manage Flash cookies, please click here .

Limiting Cookies: Our site is not currently configured to respond to do not track signals. If you wish to limit cookies when you visit our website, please configure your specific browser settings to reject cookies.

To opt-out of third-party cookies, please utilize the appropriate option(s) below:

To opt-out of ad targeting cookies set by Google on our Website, click

here: https://www.google.com/settings/u/0/ads?hl=en.

To disable the display of advertisements served by Criteo, click here: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/.

To opt-out of receiving personalized ads from third party advertisers and ad networks who are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or who follow the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising visit the opt-out pages on the NAI website and DAA website or click here. If you are in the European Union, please click here to opt out.

To control the collection of data for analytical purposes by Google Analytics, you may want to visit the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

You can also delete all cookies that are already on your computer’s hard drive by searching for and deleting files with “cookie” in it. Please keep in mind that without cookies you may not have access to certain features on the site, including access to your profile or account and certain personalized content. Removing all cookies from your computer could also affect your subsequent visits to certain web sites, including this site, by requiring that, for example, you enter your login name when you return to that website.

We and/or our data providers may collect and store a unique identifier matched to your mobile device to deliver customized ads or content while you use applications or surf the internet, or to identify you in a unique manner across other devices or browsers. To customize these ads or content, we or a data partner may collect demographic or other data, with identifying elements removed, about you received from third parties, as well as data you voluntarily have submitted to us and/or data passively collected from you, such as your device identifier or IP address.

If you no longer wish to receive interest-based advertising on your mobile device browser or applications, please refer to your device’s operating system settings, or follow instructions below.

Android Users (version 2.3 and above): To use the “opt-out of interest-based advertising” option, follow the instructions provided by Google here: Google Play Help.iOS users (version 6 and above): To use the “Limit Ad-Tracking” option, follow the instructions provided by Apple here: Apple Support Center . You can also use the tools available at https://youradchoices.com/appchoices and https://www.networkadvertising.org/mobile-choice to control cookies and similar technologies on your mobile device.